I wrote this little story for Susanna Leonard Hill’s tenth annual Halloweensie Writing Contest. It’s a fun and challenging task to write a Halloween story in only 100 words. To make it even more challenging, some form of these words has to be included in the story: Skeleton, creep and mask. I hope you enjoy it!

Sammy Skeleton’s Sticky Situation
99 words
Halloween was Sammy Skeleton’s favorite!
But, before he’d gotten far…
“What creep threw gum on the sidewalk?”
His metatarsals were icky.
His cuboid bone was sticky.
“I’m a mess!”
Tears filled his Sugar Skull mask.
Before Sammy’s candy bucket was half-full, grass and leaves clung to his foot.
Gretchen Ghoul laughed.
Tommy Troll pointed with his club.
But, Wendy Witch said, “Let me brew some Go-away Goo.”
Clank. Clatter. His foot plunged into her cauldron.
Sizzle. Frizzle. Then…
“The gum’s gone!” Sammy shouted. “Thanks!”
“Let’s finish trick-or-treating,” said Wendy.
“Great,” agreed Sammy. “But, first I’ll get my shoes!”
Thanks for reading! And if you love the gorgeous mask in the picture as much as I do, purchase link is in the caption. 🙂
This is written in such a fun way! (and I love the unexpected way you incorporated the word ‘creep’!)
Thank you!
Colleen Owen Murphy
Way to make the rules of the contest the subject of the story. Good luck!
Just for fun! 🙂
Shannon Howarth Nelsen
This is so much fun! I love the sticky situation he gets into and your engaging storytelling. Definite kid appeal here too!
Thank you!
Maryna Doughty
I like how you added the science-y terms “cuboid” and “metatarsals.” Fun way to incorporate STEM into a Halloween story. 🙂
Thanks! I’m a nurse and I couldn’t resist.
Wonderful story! I don’t like it when creeps litter, either 🙂
Ugh! Me either! Huge pet peeve of mine. And gum is awful to step in. The rules didn’t say what kind of creep, so I went with this kind. LOL.
Deborah Foster
Love how you used the word Creep! Great job!
Thanks, Deborah!
Sarah Meade
This is adorable! Love the characters and the helpful witch.
That’s one thing I love about this challenge–creating characters with a sense of personality in so few words! I wanted at least one of his fellow trick-or-treaters to be kind. 🙂
Rebekah Hoeft
Nice, Melissa! Great job creating little scenes you can see and hear so easily!
Thank you!
Jill Lambert (@LJillLambert)
Great job on this story, Melissa! I especially like the way Wendy helps Sammy out with her Go-Away Goo. Best of luck in the contest.
Thanks for reading!
Nancy Riley
What a fun story. I was afraid the Go-away Goo would make his foot disappear! So glad it didn’t. Good luck!
Me too! Potion gone wrong!
Chel Owens
Awww. Potions for good, and good friends. How nice.
Thanks for reading! 🙂